Why Your Virtual Assistants Aren’t Meeting Expectations

Summary: Frustrated with your team consistently falling short of your expectations? Discover the secret to successful delegation with Gabriel’s PER Framework, and turn your virtual assistants into high-performing assets.

Hey folks,

if you’re an online course creator, agency owner, or coach who relies on screen recordings to delegate tasks to your team, and yet they still aren’t meeting your expectations, you’ve landed in the right spot. Today, I’m going to unveil how three words can drastically enhance the quality of your team’s work, allowing you to focus more on the activities that truly drive your business forward.

Why Your Virtual Assistants Aren’t Meeting Expectations

When we fail to delegate tasks effectively, we often end up overwhelmed, doing everything ourselves. Let me share a relatable experience to highlight this.

A Relatable Story: How Ineffective Delegation Can Ruin Your Day

About a year ago, I was in Sevilla with a friend trying to pick a restaurant. She’s incredibly picky, and even after 20 or 30 minutes, we still hadn’t decided where to go. I offered my help and she agreed, but her requirements kept changing—vegan options, the right ambiance, affordability, among other things. Eventually, I just gave up. I’m sure many of you have faced similar situations. It’s the same in business. We set tasks but fail to provide clear instructions, leading to frustration and disengagement.

How to Fix Poor Delegation in Your Online Business

A common issue we face is giving our teams tasks they can’t solve due to lack of information. Specificity and clarity are crucial. Consider this: asking for a birthday gift and feeling disappointed when the gift doesn’t match your expectations. The same principle applies when delegating tasks in business.

3 Simple Steps to Improve Task Delegation

Here’s what you’ll gain by sticking around today: the three magic words to make your tasks crystal clear for your virtual assistants or team members so they can work autonomously with minimal guidance.

I’ll also provide a fill-in-the-blank template that fits this framework perfectly, ensuring your team understands exactly what you want. The PER Framework stands for Purpose, End State, and Rules. Let’s dive into it.

Leadership Lessons from Military Bomb Disposal

I used to be the team leader for bomb disposal in the Swedish Armed Forces. This role required me to delegate critical tasks to ensure our success and survival. If I could delegate effectively in such high-stakes situations, you can certainly manage delegation in your business.

Why Screen Recordings Aren’t Enough for Effective Delegation

Screen recordings often fail due to their focus on “how-to” instructions without addressing the underlying purpose. Think of assembling an IKEA table. Even with step-by-step guidance, if the required tools are missing, progress stalls. This is why it’s essential to communicate the why behind each task along with the rules.

The PER Framework: A Game-Changer for Delegation

Instead of focusing solely on the “how,” shift your attention to the “purpose” (why the task is important), “end state” (what the completed task looks like), and “rules” (what can and cannot be done).

Purpose, End State, and Rules: Your Blueprint for Success

When a team understands the purpose—like knowing a table has to seat eight guests for a birthday party—they can better improvise if necessary. Knowing the end state ensures the final result meets expectations, and understanding the rules allows for acceptable deviations from standard procedures.

Transform Your Team with the PER Framework

The PER Framework—Purpose, End State, and Rules—enables your team to become more engaged, capable, and cooperative. Imagine delegating tasks and consistently receiving outcomes that exceed your expectations.

If mastering delegation sounds complicated, don’t worry. We have a comprehensive template to streamline this process for you.

Ready to transform your team’s output? Book a free assessment now and discover how our PER Framework can revolutionize how you delegate tasks. Say goodbye to micromanagement and hello to seamless, autonomous productivity.

Book a Free Assessment to Master Delegation

For more insights and to join our community, check out the links in the description or show notes. In our next episode, we’ll discuss what to do when delegation seems to create more work instead of less. Stay tuned!

Gabriel "Gabo" von Knorring

Gabo is the founder of Sancus Leadership; he´s half Swedish, half Spanish, and an Army Officer with 12 years of experience. His leadership has been tested in many different situations, including as Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team leader on multiple deployments, instructor and teacher, sports coach, HR manager, logistics manager, and business owner/online entrepreneur.

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