How to Get Top-Notch Performance From Your Average VAs, With Three Simple Words!

Introduction: The Problem with Delegation

Hey there!

If you’re an online course creator, agency owner, or coach struggling to get the most out of your team despite detailed screen recordings, you’re not alone.

In today’s post, we’re going to uncover how three simple words can drastically improve your team’s output, giving you more time to focus on what truly moves the needle in your business. Ready to transform your delegation game? Let’s dive in!

Is This You?

I’m going to start with a little story I’m sure many of you can relate to. About a year ago, a picky friend and I were trying to decide on a restaurant in Sevilla. After half an hour of indecision, she finally asked for my help. I found a vegan place, but she didn’t like the ambiance. I found one with great ambiance, but it was too expensive. Eventually, I gave up.

Sound familiar? This is often how we run our teams—giving unclear instructions and getting frustrated when they don’t meet our expectations.

The Key to Effective Delegation

Just like the restaurant dilemma, we often hand out tasks that are almost impossible to complete due to lack of clarity.

The secret to overcoming this? Be specific. You need to communicate clearly what you want, or how can someone else give it to you?

The Three Words That Change Everything

So, how do you get your team on the same page? It boils down to three powerful words: Purpose, End State, and Rules (PER).

“My Tasks Are Too Complicated To Delegate”: Read This 👇🏽

For those who don’t know me, I have a background in military bomb disposal for the Swedish Armed Forces. Imagine approaching a bomb with a clear focus while your team handles all other critical tasks—that’s how clear communication works. If I could rely on my team to handle life-and-death situations, you can definitely delegate tasks like website creation and social media posts.

Why Screen Recordings Aren’t Enough

Relying solely on screen recordings is like trying to build an IKEA table without knowing the purpose, rules, and end state.

No wonder your team gets stuck when something goes off-script. They need to understand more than just the steps—they need the why and the framework.

The PER Framework: Purpose, End State, Rules

Let me break it down:

  1. Purpose: Why is the task important? How does it fit into the bigger mission of the company? When the team understands the purpose, they’re more engaged and aligned with the end goal.
  2. End State: What will the final result look like once the task is complete? Clearly defining the end state helps your team know what they’re working towards and ensures consistency.
  3. Rules: What are the boundaries for completing the task? Outline what can and cannot be done. This ensures your team works within acceptable limits, but with the freedom to innovate and problem-solve.

Applying the PER Framework

Think of building an IKEA table. If the purpose is to seat eight people for a birthday party, the end state is a fully built table readyfor guests. The rules are: follow the instructions, but if the tool’s missing, find an alternative that achieves the same result. Your team, understanding these three components, can adapt and succeed without constant oversight.

Conclusion and Next Steps

By implementing the PER Framework, you’ll transform your team’s performance. They’ll not only meet expectations but exceed them, making you feel confident in delegating more tasks. To make this even easier, I’ve created a crystal-clear delegation template that you can use right away.

Want to delve deeper into effective delegation? Tune into this podcast episode, where we discuss how to avoid common delegation pitfalls and share actionable tips for empowering your team.

Ready to unleash your team’s full potential?

Join our free community “CEO School: For Online Entrepreneurs” for extra training and support.

Gabriel "Gabo" von Knorring

Gabo is the founder of Sancus Leadership; he´s half Swedish, half Spanish, and an Army Officer with 12 years of experience. His leadership has been tested in many different situations, including as Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team leader on multiple deployments, instructor and teacher, sports coach, HR manager, logistics manager, and business owner/online entrepreneur.

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